The podcast that gets real about education, authentic leadership and the transcendent power of a highly functioning team.

The episode you’re going to listen to in a few short moments is one that I, Emily, truly treasure. It was released on April Fools’ Day of 2021.
Listening back, we were lovers of a solid metaphor from day one, but “data” really let it fly. In this episode, Casey gets us running with not one, not two, but THREE metaphors for the ways data can be used: as a Greek Tragedy, a Hero’s Journey, and a Love Story.
One thing that’s pretty clear about the GLG, especially if you’ve listened to our “Pop Culture Playground” mini episodes, is that we typically skew, as a guild, towards pop music.
Much in the same way, in our journey as a podcast to capture what it’s like to teach, learn, team, and lead in school systems during the early-mid 2020s, we realize our discussions have been tuned closely into the “United States K-12 Education” station.Up next, we’re going to spin that dial…and consider the “Alternative” station. Where or how else can those with a curious mind, an empathetic heart, and a love for teaching and learning make a difference in education?
“Stay Tuned” throughout this mini-series on “AlternativeEDU” with the GLG …starting with this very episode!